Creepy starts the vlog in the garden. They didn't film a daily vlog and instead they're in the garden for a quick fire assumptions session. Isabelle and Jace are joining them. Esme and Isla asked to sit out.
First question is from the twins they met in Australia
Q - They have a feud with another YouTube channel
A - No
Q - They're rich but don't like making it obvious
A - Sarah definitely wouldn't say they're rich. They're very fortunate to have what they have but Lazy definitely wouldn't say they're rich.
Q - The girls are shy off camera
A - Isabelle is the shyest. Creepy says shy is the wrong word and Isabelle is introvert most days. 80% of the time she's introvert. Lazy says Isabelle is normal like any other teenager; she's really nice but not loud and over the top until you get to know her.
Q - They don't let Esme and Isla have an Instagram account but allow Jace to have one.
A - Not true. Esme and Isla have had Instagram accounts but they've been removed. Creepy says there's too many weirdos that want to cause harm to kids for no reason. Lazy doesn't want them to be disappointed when it gets taken down.
Q - They don't see Lazy's dad very often.
A - True, the last time they saw him was January because he lives in Durham. They saw him before the Maldives but haven't seen him since before lockdown. They speak to him all the time though.
Q - Creepy doesn't shower and that's why he wears his beanie
A - Creepy says he doesn't shower and it's called hair product.
Q - They get paid at least £100 per video they make.
A - This is true.
Q - Lazy and Chris want the girls to be home schooled so they can travel more after quarantine.
A - Incorrect. It would make travel easier and if the girls want to be home schooling after lockdown they can be. Lazy doesn't want the girls home schooled and it would make their lives easier but there are so many pros to going to school. Lazy worries about he girls keeping up with work, even though they would have tutors. They will talk about it later.
Q - They watch hate videos about themselves
A - In the last couple of years Lazy has definitely never watched a hate video but she probably did before that. Why would you want to surround yourself with disgusting things said about you, your family and your children? It's weird. Lazy gets curiosity but it's not for her.
Q - They're millionaires
A - It would be nice one day but no
Q - They have mental health problems
A - Creepy has OCD. He denies having it most of the time. He says his cleaning isn't OCD but he suffers from anxiety. Lazy says he get on his hands and knees to clean the floor twice a day.
Q - Do the Inghams think they've become big headed?
A - Creepy says out of all the YouTube families they're the least big headed of all of them. They're a normal family and everyone who has met them would say they same. They've done this every day for four years and are definitely not fake or big headed.
Q - Why do they use fake clickbait?
A - Creepy says this riles him so he's going to explain it. If someone is running a shop and they have an item of clothing to sell they need to advertise it so they have to advertise it. They will spice a jacket up so it sells. If they said they went fishing and caught a million pounds but just went to a ball pool then that's clickbait but if they use something within a video - even if they hype it up - it's just good advertising. It's called branding. There's a difference between clickbait and good advertising. Creepy hates the subject.
Q - There's been more arguments in the family since lockdown.
A - Lazy doesn't think so. Isabelle thinks they don't argue a lot but there's been a slight increase over stupid things.
Q - Isabelle wishes they didn't do Youtube
A - Lazy jokes that they wanted to make money off her. Isabelle says it's not true and she loves doing YouTube.
Q - Thoughts on the racism in America
A - Lazy watched the George Flloyd video yesterday morning and she bought it up during the picnic. Isabelle was earwigging and watched it later. Lazy and Isabelle cried watching the video because you can see the life being take out of him. Lazy doesn't care on colour, skin colour, eye colour, hair colour, race. Creepy says the officers should face criminal charges. To end the question; racism is not ok and it's disgusting.
Q - One of the girls are gay
A - Esme and Isla are too young to know their sexuality. Isabelle is straight. Creepy and Lazy have nothing wrong with one of their children being gay; they have gay friends. People don't choose their sexuality. Creepy says it doesn't matter who you love in this world.
Says the homophobic.
Q - Creepy wants to move to America but Lazy is hesitant
A - Creepy and Isabelle look at houses in America one day because they want to move there. Lazy is hesitant. They won't be moving to America any time soon because they've just bought a new house. There's been conspiracy theories that they can't afford another house but they will prove us wrong soon. They've had a few questions. People online think they lie about everything; they think the Inghams are holograms.
Q - They're horrible parents to the kids and only care about the girls.
A - They say they are but I hope they're joking
Q - Lazy didn't go to school because she's so dumb
A - Creepy says she is
Q - They're good at hiding the fact they're fake and manipulating the ifam
A - Don't get Creepy started in this; they get told they the ifam are brainwashed and a cult
Q - They can't afford the new house
A - Lazy says they wouldn't have got the new house if they couldn't afford it. Creepy puts his face right up to the camera again and says they can't afford the new house on it's own so they bought two instead. We'll never know if that's true though because if it wasn't vlogged it didn't happen.
Q - Do Lazy and creepy ever argue?
A - Yes but not a lot considering they spend every day together. Isabelle says Lazy wears the trousers in the house. People online say that Creepy is controlling. Lazy's dad calls to check if Creepy is ok. The problem with Lazy is she's stubborn and she shouts if she's angry. Creepy tells her to calm down and then she tells him to shout back at her but he doesn't.
Q - They make more mooney through YouTube than Baby and Me
A - Yes but it's only seven months old. Lazy would earn more money on Baby and Me if she took more risks or they started producing the stock themselves. At the moment they earn a lot more money on YouTube.
Q - They are using other people's resources e.g. masks so they can go shopping.
A - They use masks to do the weekly food shop. Creepy says it deserves one answer; OK.
Q - Creepy dyes his hair black; his lashes are ginger
A - Lazy says his lashes are blonde and Creepy agrees.
Can someone book them an appointment at Specsavers? Or send them to Barnard Castle?Creepy likes to dye his hair secret ad its not a secret. Lazy says no one would care if Creepy was blonde and dyed his hair brown but because it's ginger it's a big conspiracy theory. Creepy says get a grip and here's no stigma about ginger hair in the 21st century. You need to put your head in the ground if you hate gingers. it's the same as racism; you can't help what colour hair you're born with.
Q - Creepy isn't Isabelle's daughter.
A - Cackles about the typo.
Q - Creepy doesn't want any more children
A - Not true. He would love another sibling for Jace. By the time Jace is Isla's age she will be 16 and won't want to hang around with him.
Q - They don't buy the kids branded clothes
A - They get the clothes from Matalan or Asda. They earn enough money to buy designer clothes but don't because they don't believe in it. Why buy a £300 dress when you can buy something similar from Matalan? Isabelle wants a Gucci handbag and Esme wants Gucci trainers 'but that girl can have something from Matalan'
Q - They find it hard to exercise and don't enjoy it
A - True, Lazy hates it. Creepy says he skates and Lazy corrects him, saying it's not the same
Q - They dont' consider others when making the vlogs e.g. epileptics and migraine sufferers
A - Lazy thinks it's really hard for Youtubers to consider every illness and phobia when they're trying to just put a video together. They do try and put a warning. Creepy didn't realise some people are emetophobic or whatever (says an emetophobic himself!). It's not that they're ignorant, it's just hard.
Q - Isabelle isn't Lazy's daughter
A - Lazy says they look identical. There were a lot of assumptions saying Esme is adopted because she has ginger hair. Creepy says it's not nice. Again; coming from someone who wants to hi his hair colour that he preaches so much about and claims is beautiful. He doesn't exactly show it.
Q - Isabelle is a typical teenager and argues with Creepy and Lazy
A - She has an attitude and definitely argues with Lazy and Creepy. She goes to Creepy because Lazy would shout at her and tell her straight. Isabelle says she gets offended about different thing and she argues more with Creepy. Lazy tells herself not to get involved but if Isabelle was talking to her like that the phone would be gone. Creepy argues back like a teenager but apologises ten minutes later
Q - Why are they so loud?
A - Isabelle tells them not to watch the videos
Q - Trolls inspire them to work harder
A - Yes, they should always be the motivation
Q - People assume they catch elephants an make blankets out of them
A - People do assume this. Creepy asks what is wrong with them.
Q - The payment on the last video was over £800
A - You can't say how much you will earn on a video because you're constantly earning money from it. The money from YouTube is around the same each month; a couple of thousand pounds. Some months it will be a lot higher. In March they earnt a lot more and lazy couldn't work out why. She went through the vlogs and it turned out that Isabelle's birthday vlog had been pushed and was at 21 million views. It depends what's trending at the time. Family channels aren't being pushed at the moment so views are lower.
Absolute lies; Isabelle's birthday vlog is on 20 million.
Q - The Inghams talk openly about periods in the house
A - Yes, it's just a way of life and Lazy wants to normalise it. Lazy was crying on her MacBook the other day because she was on her period.
Q - They would be ok financially if they quit YouTube tomorrow
A - Yes they would for a while because they have savings for an emergency. It makes Lazy laugh when people say YouTube won't last forever. The Inghams know this and have put money away.
Q - They don't get along with DadvGirls because their channel is bigger
A - Not true. Someone tried to stir up trouble last week and Lazy spoke to DadvGirls. There was no nastiness between the channels and Isabelle has spoke to Kaci-Jay before. They don't dislike any channel because they're not that type of people. Everyone's content is different. They would get compared to Family Fizz but the only similarity between the channels if they're both British Youtubers; Family Fizz and DadvGirls make different content. DadvGirls do challenge videos but challenge videos don't blow up on the channel. It's ridiculous that people compare because Lazy and creepy want other channels to do well.
Q - Lazy and Creepy don't sleep in the same bed.
A - Cackle. Cackle. Cackle. People say Creepy sleeps in the caravan or tent. People need to get a life and stop obsessing over the Inghams'. The caravan is full of boxes for the move.
Q - Lazy moans about her weight but does nothing about it
A - She picks up a doughnut and eats it. Isabelle is confused because it's no one else's business. Don't fat shame. Everyone is allowed to have a moan about how they feel about themselves. Creepy fell and hurt his shoulder today.
Lazy had a lot more assumptions but Creepy talks too much. They will do the other questions if people enjoyed it. Comment down below. Creepy says the truth might come out about where Creepy sleeps; are Creepy and lazy even married? Did they buy the children? Did they buy Prinny? They did.
Creepy walks to the tent and thanks Lazy. He says Prinny can sleep in the grass.
End of vlog
Even Lazy falls asleep when Creepy is talking
He honestly looks like a serial killer when he does this