A narcissists evaluation of themselves
Boring, boring, boring…I don’t even bother looking at her stories any more because there’s nothing interesting!No more bloody cold water posts … so,dull and patronising
Ages since I looked at this thread , she blocked me years ago as I asked about her breast augmentation ,wasn't having any of it , I'm in the buying trade and put a question to her about mutual business person that was it , blocked me ,don't feel I'm missing out , she is a narcissistic spoilt woman ,she ll only have friends that are beneath her ,no one can certainly have more .when she had her jaw surgery I'd say she wishes she had more off but its genetic so her daughter looks like she ll need same surgery , and breast implants too ....
Just loook back at her wedding photos and you l see the differenceShe had jaw surgery?
I love Amanda!She reminds me of the character Amanda in Morherland
This look, satin silky negligee slips worn as tops were totally on trend in the 90s. Is she trying to bring this back or ran out of clothes and wearing old gear?Um, isn’t this like a slip? Or nightwear?? Are we now sporting underwear as party wear?? Am I confused??