The Honest Vocal Coach

New vlog a bit dull. Air BnB first time, all she does is complain the whole time. Tries I think to make out her psychic ability is causing lights to flash, calls Morcombe boring as tit and then goes home. Does the same thing she usually does just wastes petrol to do it 100 miles up the road

on the plus Simon does seem to have at least some personality
She’s mentioned before she wants to be like ‘walk with me Tim’ but she’s failing miserably if that’s her attempt.
She was bitching about everyone again, couldn’t handle the dog who is clearly not used to being walked anywhere , ate junk food in the room and went home for Chinese the next day.
Simon seems nice but he was a worse diet than her which is really saying something.
cheeky mare, walking for 90mins round an antique shop and up and down Morcambe prom and then saying she needs a blue badge.
Am I right in thinking blue badge holders get free parking? If so then I think this may be the reason she's after one, because she's more than capable of walking across a car park! Next she'll be claiming one because of Alex 🙄
I actually thought her psychic reading was a bad ad to put it. She really is clutching at straws and will do anything to make money. I found it really disgusting when she talks about having “knowledge” of that little boy who she used to babysit saying she knew he was dead before she got told and that his family don’t visit him at the cemetery anymore etc. I honestly just find her unbelievable especially as a mother who has also lost a child?
She also uses the twisty stuttery thing a lot when she can’t think of the right words cuz her vocabulary so small.

she claims to be a girls aloud superfan but in reaction videos you can tell she doesn’t know any of the lyrics…