The Giddings Tribe

How he puts up with her outfits on nights out I don’t know. I mean I’m not all for controlling husbands or anything, but she goes out dressing like the local prostitute 😂
Just when I thought she couldn’t get any more cringe we now have videos with her knickers hanging out. I have never found anyone on social media more full of themselves in all my life. Someone needs to tell her to sort it out and stop showing herself up
Just when I thought she couldn’t get any more cringe we now have videos with her knickers hanging out. I have never found anyone on social media more full of themselves in all my life. Someone needs to tell her to sort it out and stop showing herself up

Someone sent me this and when I tell you I CRINGED! What does she do all day? She goes on about being a mum of 7 but they go to school all day, her house always looks like a tit hole, she's always out without them...
Yeah she’s milking the mum of 7 malarkey now. They are all literally at school - go and get a job. She claims that insta is her job but she barely does ads and things so she’s not making that much. She’s so full of herself it’s awful, that dance with her thong in view is hideous.
I had to come and see if there was a thread about her! The latest one with her thong pulled above her trousers is what teenagers are wearing not middle aged mums, I know she thinks we are all jelous but honestly she’s just a huge cringe! Thinking she is 17 when her kids are that age!

Someone’s been reading here 😏
It is not lovely to make other people cringe hun it’s tragic 🤣
When she goes clubbing she dresses like a 13 year old that’s ordered an outfit from shein for an underage disco. It’s pathetic! Young girls are brutal these days they must laugh so hard when they see Tess out clubbing I bet she gets called mutton regularly! I know me and my mates would have a good laugh at her.
It’s actually sad, she’s a pretty girl, has nice teeth, lovely hair but the way she dresses makes her look like such a skank. She would look a million times better if she dressed her age.
Instead she’s desperate to attract attention from young guys by dressing like she’s a kid again and boasting when she gets mistaken for being younger 🤢 she seems so unhappy and is obviously trying to relive her youth.
Does she not realise she probably gets lots of attention from boys when she goes out because she dresses like she’s an easy shag 😅