Very mixed opinion of Dr Doireann O’L. Seems very knowledgeable on healthcare and I do get the vibe is she probably a thorough and caring G.P. However, the constant flaunting of wealth is unbearable. Obviously minted as her husband is a surgeon too and in fairness it takes a lot of brains and hard work to get to where they both are. But God forbid something from Penney’s would grace her wardrobe. I’d say she owns the entire Louis Vuitton collection. A new designer dress for every day to model inside her clinical very unhomely looking Rochestown pad (complete with Mini and Audi in the paved driveway, what else darling)...completely sucked into keeping up appearances for the area she’s living in. Dubarry boots and Barbour jacket for the walk in woods (no Regatta jacket and Dunnes wellies like us commoners!!). Don’t understand the need for Facetuning, heavy filtering and fake hair piece, she doesn’t need any of it. Last of all, please get a new pair of sunglasses with all your money cos those ridiculous bug eye Celine glasses do you zero favours. She moans about not being taken seriously as a doctor cos of how she looks - if she normalised herself a bit more, this will help! Some things are just too unrelatable with her. But, credit where it’s due, she should be commended for being a frontline worker during the pandemic.