The City / Whitney Port


This doesnā€™t even make sense. She doesnā€™t want the conversation being had about her body. But she wants it to be a place where we can and should show concern. Why is she bothered about threats of unfollows? And I havenā€™t actually seen nastiness.

Itā€™s not just ā€˜an angleā€™ when itā€™s every bloody angle.

Have I missed a joke with these messages with Timmyā€¦

It saddens me that there seems to be no mental health analysis for someone hiring a surrogate

Agreed. And Iā€™m also still convinced the reason the surrogacy isnā€™t working is because she is picking the female embryos (which perhaps have less optimal viability to a male option). She is determined to have a girl and it wouldnā€™t surprise me for her to do selfish sex selection at the expense of the poor surrogate.