BINGO Gracie, you got it. Proof Galahad is a puppy mill dog, no more assumptions fact! Reason why you said blue eyes missing more than 4 teeth. Obviously missing teeth an abnormality, puppy mills more likely to produce dog with genetic abnormalities 1. It could although come from a reputable breeder who has sold off a dog cheeply with no papers, as can't be used for stud or show -.5.
The size of the dog, unknown age but very small, so again indiscreet breeding 1. Could be runt of litter with teeth missing from breeder sold no papers, no names -.5. Sleepy dog not active, used to caging long term little exercise 1. Could be young puppy still requiring lots of sleep as age unknowm -.5. Socialisation, dog timid, unused to being handled not used to human contact 1. No counter argument. 0. Long nails from begining never trimed now signs breeder gave no bais care 1.
Plus and minus Puppy mill 5 points Breeder selling unregistered kennel club dog due to defects -1.5. so a score of 3.5 for puppy mill.
three strikes Stepanie, dog from illegal sources.
The dog would’ve been registered with the Czech federation if it had come from a licensed breeder. I believe the federation hast to keep records for up to three years for the sale of each puppy. Stephanie would’ve shown the paperwork and the registration, hiding the identity of the breeder, if she had done so. I think she spent some money purchasing Ratso 1.0, but one spontaneously purchasing a recast prop dog, tried to save more money by purchasing a dog off the Internet. She should’ve been able to inspect the facility where the dog was bred, met the parents, etc. That never happened.
They admitted that they located the dog off the Internet. There are a lot of different places where you can try to find a dog in the Czech Republic, to include reputable, licensed breeders, backyard, breeders, who are selling dogs on Facebook, and other websites/ ad venues. There are many breeders in Serbia, and other surrounding countries who also do a bit of backyard breeding And sell all types of dogs over the Internet, through Facebook, and local websites, etc.
I looked up the Prague ratter breeders on the rare dog website posted by BiliyBudd and found no puppies available from breeders this past summer that look anything like moneymaker 2.0.
Even with the dog coming from a puppy mill, it could have as good of a life as possible, given any genetic abnormalities or issues, if it was placed with an appropriate family in an appropriate setting. The dog would need to be placed with two mentally stable owners or a mentally stable owner, in an apartment, setting or smaller home, setting, in a calm environment, with appropriate training, sensitivity to its fragility and issues let may crop up as a result of being bred in such a manner, and would need to have close medical evaluation to ascertain any particular difficulties that need to be addressed, etc. being purchased as a re-cast prop vanity dog to be exploited continuously for profit and filming, living in a chaotic environment, and what to this dog is a huge house that is cold and drafty, being shoved constantly into the arms of one person after another, and not being allowed to be a dog, not being trained, having an inconsistent schedule, being ignored, being tethered the furniture, roughly handled, and expected for its needs to revolve around the needs of its owners, is not an appropriate setting for a tiny, fragile dog which may have some unexpected medical issues. The gruesome twosome can’t even get off their ass to trim the dog‘s nails.
Moneymaker 2.0 deserves a better life. I still do not believe that Stephanie register the dog in France is belonging to her. If she did register herself as the owner, she would have responsibility for the dog for up to 12 to 14 years, if it was fortunate enough to live that long. I do not see her taking on that responsibility And if she had done so, she will be waiting around her passport for the dog, what she did with Ratso 1.0
I hated how she tried to blame viewers and patrons for her impulsive purchase of a new vanity dog. We all know that she purchased a dog to make money and to provide continent for videos into make herself look like a likable person. It has nothing to do with yours, encouraging her to buy another dog. Most viewers were horrified that she was able to forget about Ratso 1.0 so quickly. Loser Herbert Philip never mentioned any remorse or sadness about the death of Ratso 1.0. Recall him in the grocery store parking lot, gleefully rambling on, and on about all the hard treats he had purchased for family dog Spud, while Ratso 1.0. was within hours of dying.( allegedly, if true from information, passed onto this form, as a result of receiving puncture wounds in its throat from the teeth of the family dogs Spud, which would’ve easily pierced the very thin skin on a Prague ratter). Stephanie reads every single one of the comments in the CD comment section But ignored almost 100 comments talking about how the dog needs to have his nails trimmed. She is aware, she does, not care. “ you can’t tell me what to do“ 50 year old oppositional defiant little orphan princess deliberately refuses to take care of HER DOG. She did the same with Ruby, the sheep, the chickens, and the peahens/peacocks. She needs to get the little dog neutered, so it will not pass on any defective, genetic abnormalities. She is far too cheap to do so. Remember that she only reluctantly neutered.Ruby after years of Ruby getting into fights and getting injured and after Selmar took Ruby to the vet for treatment of the serious injuries on his front legs.
Here is one Czech based website. some listings or postings are taken down immediately after the dog is sold. The dog in the screenshot below seem to be about the same size as money maker 2.0., although with different eye colors and slightly different ears. There are other websites available they can be found selling.Prague ratters for $500 or less. There were some people selling Prague ratters about the same size as.Moneymaker 2.0 and they called them micro / mini Prague ratters. When I went back to screenshot the listing, the remaining document purchased, and the ad had been removed. Evidently, there are some breeders who deliberately try to breed the smallest dog in the world two an even smaller size. you can check the Internet and see other listings in the Czech Republic Via newspapers, craigslist type settings, etc.
The Prague ratters should weith between 2 pounds and 6 pounds. I believe that Ratso 1.0 was likely closer to the 6 pound limit and the newest money maker 2.0 may weigh only 2 to 3 pounds maximum, perhaps closer to 2 pounds. Think about this a large guinea pig could weigh 2.6 pounds. Moneymaker 2.0 likely weighs as much as or less than a large guinea pig, and the gruesome twosome or tossing the dog around, hauling the dog around in the porche, not letting the tiny dog take naps, and Stephanie takes the dog on walks in our far too long for the tiny dogs, developing bones, joints, and muscles..
Look at the screenshot of them, laughing and mocking the tiny dog. This breed of dog is particularly sensitive to this type of ridicule..