First, happy birthday to you!The waiter was incredibly patronizing.. if I hadn't been with my sons I would have walked out... he said he'd change it, and then said "don't worry, I've got you pegged.." , he also said when he bought a plate with the same chicken, (mine wasn't moist like the pic, it was more a brick) with just greens to replace everything, "I saw you tore into the cucumber so I gave you more" He was gaslighting me, asked me 8 times upselling about a drink, when I finally explained if there hadn't been fizzy water on the table I'd have had a soda water, I don't want a drink, he jumped back and said, "that's fine, you don't owe me an excuse"... worst night out I've ever experienced... my boys were so disappointed .
AND holding it over clean dinner plates
I stopped watching the channel months ago because of the lack of renovations, plus I couldn't take another table setting. They faff about with pottery and trivia while the chateau crumbles around them.“the trials of renovating historic homes” ……
Click and compare the Amaury in this video from 2 years ago when he first arrived at the Dump with the defeated, worn out looking Amaury in today’s video. Being around a narc like Stephanie Jarvis literally sucked the life, vitality, and youth out of him. He looks like a shadow of the person who arrived at the Dump. FYI crazy Hanni, the inventor of the grift grab channel, makes an appearance.
Also, for kicks and giggles, the beginning of the video has Fanny enthusiastically and happily greeting Ian the builder, the same man she and Amaury would soon denigrate a few months later on her cd videos. Sad about Ian.
Narcs always think they're cleverer than everyone else she also believes she is so fascinating any scraps will do. It is so strange I literally can't watch her fake screeching anymore.Stephanie has either prerecorded bits and pieces or is including leftover edits or a combination of both.
She is such a dumb arse thinking people won't notice.
Wow. She has a reflection!Natty has a sense of humour as she jokes about the L that Fanny has just embroidered onto a grotty looking towel. being so large and embossed it will scratch the person using the towel to dry!
Rather pleased with the photo of Nattys reflection
Continuity dahling, continuity! It'll be wearing that till ChristmasSo she’s wearing this all week?
In view of all the problems he has been having lately, maybe he is experimenting with an adult diaper?Do I spy a FUPA?
From me too, @Imperious Me ! ❤❤❤❤!!! (That's me, btw, top , middle!) Mwah,mwah @Iolair , ta very much for the excellent photo! ❤
It was just awful watching what she did to Amaury.
Russell Brand seems her typeDesperate Fanny new each day vlogs of rapes and lies. Bound to be winners!!