Right I think I’m a bit behind but a few days ago he shared a post about indie not eating meat because they don’t really eat it?
I’ve seen those burgers he rims so what the
duck is he talking about?! Just be honest and say you don’t want her to eat it, it’s sweet, she’s your kid you can do what you want. But don’t LIE!
You’re a binge eater Joseph, you do, in many ways have an eating disorder mentality/relationship with food and exercise!
you can’t see this of course but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true!
cant have bread in the house because you will legit eat it all with marmalade and won’t stop until you know it’s gone? Healthy as
Ps - I am no Gillian mckeith with food and will eat my own feelings on a daily basis but I don’t profess to be a guru of food and exercise do i?!
My eldest child would eat a buttered turd!
anything I put in front of him.
his brother would die of starvation before he will eat anything other than the Satan food of Jamie Oliver (nuggets, smiley faces, beans, you know the dance).
i did NOTHING different with them. Cooked, (relatively) healthy meals, offered different (both good and bad) foods and they both turned out this way.
but that’s ok because kids develop their own tastes and I did my best when it counted. im not going to lie awake in a pool of my own sweat because I’ve not managed to get my youngest to eat courgette like haribos.
im more likely to celebrate the little things, you know like everyone getting to bedtime alive, that kind of celebration is more my jam!