The Battista family

I feel like every vlog is like watching some sort of year 10 school acting project. It all seems so forced and rehearsed. Those poor kids. Whilst theyre obviously loved and seem like kind and polite children, they are incredibly sheltered and it's not healthy at all. Makes me angry that there's no governing body that oversees homeschooling. It's actually frightening how easy it is for parents to keep their kids away from the world
I feel like every vlog is like watching some sort of year 10 school acting project. It all seems so forced and rehearsed. Those poor kids. Whilst theyre obviously loved and seem like kind and polite children, they are incredibly sheltered and it's not healthy at all. Makes me angry that there's no governing body that oversees homeschooling. It's actually frightening how easy it is for parents to keep their kids away from the world

Honestly I think this is the only time it’s probably a good thing they’re not in school. They don’t seem like braggy children but their peers who didn’t get many presents or maybe just got one main present game console, and not 3 big electronic gifts would feel as though they’ve missed out.

Just seen the gaming setup on their Instagram I genuinely have no idea where they put it, they must live in a tardis.
I watched abit of the present opening vlog where does it all go? They look so squashed into that living room, I dont understand why they dont seem to be trying to find somewhere bigger to live you would think they would of sorted that before child 5 arrived
I’m sure the older one says it’s says Xbox but we don’t have an Xbox. They made a video buying him one in the summer.
So many random presents, it’s not even the cost just random crap. I don’t get why all these micro YouTubers go for quantity over quality. Also Dionne trying to channel her inner Isabelle ingham (from the family that don’t watch any other YouTube families, yet copy everything the minghams do!) make me 🤮
What was that vlog about like last night?
Discussing Calebs personal health problems and genetic testing. And bleeping moron big Shaun, yeah I’ve been really ill, it could have been COVID then proceeds to visits three hospita/children’s hospital and doctors. bleeping moron!
I came across 1 of their older videos the other day were they went to stay for a weekend in a caravan Sean was knocking the drink into him and then later on in the day/evening they went out in the car and he seems drunk/driving could not believe it with the 4 kids in the back of the car
He does this is so many vlogs, he necked a bottle of red once and then drove back hours to a campsite.
He does this is so many vlogs, he necked a bottle of red once and then drove back hours to a campsite.
The vlogs I seen they were staying at Haggerston castle He seems drunk most of the time they are there.Barely any food in the fridge but it was filled with drink , So dangerous why do they think it's ok to do this and her why does she let her kids get into the car with him and to film it all flipping crazy .
Unreal video from Alnwick. They went to Barter Books then talked about going to Alnwick railway station but claimed it was closed on the day.

Barter Books is Alnwick railway station!
Because they don’t have a brain between them.

I honestly can’t stands Stephanie’s pouty posey stuff she does for the camera. I can’t work out whether she thinks she’s fit or she’s trying to keep her teeth in.

Another Peter Pan led family, aspiring to live outside their means, thinking YouTube is the answer to their mediocrity.
So Sean likes science and thinks Elon Musk is sending expeditions to Mars. Who was it that said it’s better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt? If that’s the level of scientific understanding then the outcome of their “home schooling” is going to be unimpressive.