The 1% Club - ITV

  • Thread starter Thread starter lannx
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I didn't really understand how the last round people all got it wrong and yet still got to go forward to the 1% question 🀣

Has anybody actually taken part in this or been in the audience? How do they have so many brothers/sisters/boyfriends etc competing too - I take it the application process caters for group entries, in order to give Lee Mack more links to create his drivel about?

It must be torture to be in the studio (especially if you go out in the first question and then have to sit there for hours while they film the rest!). It has to take hours, with certain of the questions where it's not just an "A" or "B" answer, checking everybody's answers must take a couple of minutes. And then I presume they film like 10 sets of Lee banter between every question and edit down to the 2 or so that are vaguely good enough for us to see.