That mum with three girls

I don’t really get it as I have “spoiled” my kids too but they never speak to me like that. I don’t know if it’s just how we speak to each other but if they were being crappy to me like that I would definitely see that as a private thing. Why would you share that?
When the youngest daughter was in hospital and the videos were getting lots of views and attention it gave her a taste of what it’s like to be popular online and ever since she’s been desperately trying to get that same attention again. I’ve noticed that she’s constantly posting old videos of her daughters from when they were little because she knows videos of them have more of a chance getting views and because the girls don’t seem interested being in the tiktoks much anymore she is desperately finding as much old videos as she can to use for content instead. These mum influencers are crazy they’ll do anything for attention and will always find a way to exploit their kids.
This was when I started to dislike her, we basically live in a children’s hospital ( longest admission 2 years ) and she drove me nuts 🤣 she kept trying to be relatable to parents of sick children. Her daughter was in for a few weeks and in that time she managed to get facial treatments / dinner with friends / a trip to the pub etc and was drunk at least more than once. Like your kid was sick for 2 weeks and you couldn’t not go to the pub or get “ tipsy “ had to get facial treatments because “ she deserved it “ it was wild lol
She makes me cringe she thinks she’s a celebrity 😂 what is with this post having to announce when she’s doing a TikTok live? that’s so weird lol. She has turned very attention seeking and she’s always been in love with herself but her ego is getting bigger by the day which makes her unlikable.
She makes me cringe she thinks she’s a celebrity 😂 what is with this post having to announce when she’s doing a TikTok live? that’s so weird lol. She has turned very attention seeking and she’s always been in love with herself but her ego is getting bigger by the day which makes her unlikable. View attachment 3077896 qView attachment 3077897 q
Olan Mills photo shoot circa 1985…. Eat your heart out !!!
She never stops complaining about her kids, then will make some mushy reel about them. To be fair, if those three were my kids I'd be complaining about them too.
She never stops complaining about her kids, then will make some mushy reel about them. To be fair, if those three were my kids I'd be complaining about them too.
I know they’re just kids but her kids are so spoilt rotten and horrible but her and her husband are to blame because they’ve allowed their kids to be like this and they will continue to allow the kids to be horrible and spoilt which makes me feel bad for the kids because they’re going to go through life being horrible and demanding and will find life very hard when they realise that the real world won’t accept that. It’s hard to feel sorry for her because she’s a child exploiter and like you said as much as she complains about her kids she has no problem using them for content making these videos of how perfect they are etc and secondly maybe if her and her husband had put effort in to making their kids appreciative , humble and grateful then they wouldn’t be dealing with the kids horrible attitudes and behaviour.

When she talks about the things her daughters say to her and do I’m in disbelief sometimes because she thinks that’s normal for kids to talk like that to their mum and boss her around like a servant treating her like tit when it’s not normal at all it’s not “kids being kids” those kids are just spoilt rotten to the extreme. It’s crazy to me those kids can’t even make themselves a sandwich or pour themselves a bowl of cereal when they’re hungry and mainly the two oldest girls they’re old enough to get up and make themselves something simple like toast. I understand a parent obviously it’s their responsibility to take care of their kids I’m not saying a parent shouldn’t be doing the cooking and looking after them but her kids don’t do anything and the worse part isn’t them not doing anything for themselves or helping around the house cause fair enough that’s up to the parents what they make their kids do , the worst part is they are so ungrateful for everything that’s done for them and I don’t know how she isn’t embarrassed at how they treat her and speak to her.

I know every child especially teenagers will have their moments of having an attitude it’s part of life even as adults we have days we’re not in a good mood but I’ve never in my life told my mum I dislike her repeatedly like she’s dirt but when I see Sin talking about how her daughters speak to her like that, how does she not see how horrible they are? and that’s a problem that really needs to be fixed in that family because it’s nothing to be proud of sharing it online. She’s also got those kids addicted to social media validation and likes because she posted clips from a live she did with her daughters and they were obsessed with how many likes , gifts and views they were getting that they wouldn’t go to sleep cause they were addicted getting online attention which is sad.
I’ve been looking for this thread. OMG I can’t stand this family. Her children ARE AWFUL. They speak to her disgustingly. How can anyone put up with that???
Also those girls give off such mean energy. That youngest one - I reckon she is a bully.
She is 100% an alcoholic. The way she spoke in her tiktok about going to different off licences suggests there’s way more going on. Her tiktok’s have been manic and her children are not being parented by her at all.
Is it just me or does Elin speak very young for her age? She’s 10 and in the last year of primary school but she speaks slowly and in a baby voice.