Funny how I came across this trend, as there is much to say about this whole youtube channel and the followers of that crazy disney lady. What everyone sees on the screen is not what happens off screen. This lady has created a cult off camera. In the beginning, when she first started, you would see them all hanging out at a restaurant, talking late into the morning. It would be the same people every week,, Tom, Jeff, Jennay, Christopher, Jordan and if Robin was in town, she is there. We all know what happened to Tom and Jeff (trouble with the law), Jennay just stopped hanging with all of them. Jordan became very verbal while drinking so he was let go. Christopher is sometimes around but not as much.
The mods of Tonya's channels are very confusing. She has her regular mods and then she has her friend mods. She keeps them separated in two different group chats. The friend mods are always stepping on the regular mods toes causing a rift among all of them. A couple of friends mods were placed into the regular mod group just to report things back to the others. Tonya picks her mods by making sure they are all a lower class than her, so it gives the form that they all worship her.
The friend mods, this is a cult if anything. Several of these ladies became friends with Tonya as they are or appear to be from the same class. They choose others that they so call sponsor so each have someone looking up to them. Its really a sick situation. The best part about the friend mods is that they all talk behind each other's backs. I have never seen so much back stabbing amoung these ladies in my life, but they will smile and act lick the best of sisters in each others face. Let start with Sue, the number one in gossip, a pot stirrer, she will create a side chat if she feels what is speaking if not truthful or wrong with the way they live their life. She will get others to take her side and then turn around and agree with the one they are talking about to their face. Sue is really just trash, as she not who she says she is anyways. It recently came out that her boyfriend who owned a huge bar complex was nothing but a bartender. So now the others question everything she says. Sue was quick to let everyone know that Tonya became very drunk at her sons wedding and was trying to steal the spotlight away from the bride and groom. Really didn't surprise anyone. Connie, this one her just really does nothing but twist people stories and make them look bad. Connie believes she is the best thing and will portray herself as a nice person, however, rest assured she is talking all kind of crazy about you once you are not around. However, she recently left the area as her and her husband couldn't afford to keep up with the others. For a while, Connie claimed her husband owned his own business and then it came out he was a door to door roof sales person. After her face lift, these ladies would tell her how wonderful she looked and then be in another chat call her miss piggy. Sharon is another who shoud not be trusted, she is famous for stirring the pot as well. However, the top girls of the group feel sorry for her and let her stay amoung them. Sara, there are some serious issues with this lady. She has now accused Tom, Cory and Spokemayne of rape, always claiming she is being stalked, and has even told a few that Tonyas husband has put the moves on her. She wears the shortest of shorts and tightest shirts and when with Tonya streaming will always try and walk in front of the camera showcasing her butt checks. SHe is in the lower of the group and is only kept around because Dawn sponsors her. Dawn is a mess herself. She recently filed for divorce because her husband was selling drugs and dressing up in women clothing. As all the ladies in this group agreed with Dawn that her husband could change and has, but talked about how stupid she was to go back to him behind her back. They all agreed it was because Dawn realized she would be broke after the divorce due to her husband cooking the books and hiding cash from her. Cookie is one that needs to be watched. She spends all day contacting people who she heard a little bit of information about and try to get more information. Then runs back and tells everyone and even adds her own twist to the story to make it sound worse than it was. She protrays herself as a very postitive person however seems to be very depressed at times. They wont get rid of her as who would get them free airline tickets? Amy is one that they all used to feel sorry for and allowed her in the group, untill they kicked me out. The group would invite her down to the parks and offer to share a room with her, however Amy had a huge problem of not paying her half according to the chats behind the scenes, they would also make fun of her as she would be her with no money and unbale to do things like eat. Tonya is always complaining about all the side chats, but the side chats are all coming from her inner circle.
To answers some of the questions on this post, Robin never has an opinion of her own and does bobble head in the backgound agree with everything. AS far as all the sponsers, Tonya does nothing without a kickback. Free haircuts from Logan if she pushed her, credits for vacations shouting out the new travel agency, and dont forget, Wartella homes paid for her meet up last year, rumors said to be near 5 thousand to rent that ballroom at the hotel. And of course, free tshirts from LBV but they are using Tonya for more subscribers.
Hope this gives more insight behind the scenes, it really is disturbing in a way.