Hi guys, I’ve known Charlotte O’Connor for years, everyone saw her on tv as a lovely girl, vulnerable as her mum is apparently ‘dying’ from an illness, some would even say the best on that show. We’ll let me tell you about the real Charlotte O’Connor..... she was an absolute
witch in school, she was a bully and nasty
she would happily stand there and watch someone get beaten up or even hype up the situation making things worst, standing there laughing at them. Roaming about somercotes estate with the worst crowd (other known bullies) her mum isn’t dying, her skin looks the way it does because of all the drugs she’s done in her lifetime and is effecting her organs etc. DRUGS AGE YOUR SKIN AND CAN EFFECT YOU ALL OVER! She only went on teen mom Uk for the attention because she wanted to become more popular around the Laindon estate and the people that big her up are only gonna make her worst
I’m gonna stop there because just writing this infuriates me....