I follow her. Silently. She’s just has the most awful time, her pregnancy seemed so terribly sad and it seemed like hospital was the only place to keep her safe.
Now I feel like there is a bigger picture going on, we’ve seen her parents visit and now today a post asking us not to ask about family?
Sitting on TikTok in a mental health hospital can’t be helpful?!
It’s all super confusing to me.
she has said she was living in a house with her ex husband, even though they are no longer married. But then she talks about being in an abusive relationship for the last 4 years-whom I figured must be the father of the baby. She said she was sexually assaulted by him and that’s why she left.
Then she became homeless somehow, and was living in hotels. But was running out of money and didn’t know where she was going to go next.
Then she was saying she was having an operation where she would no longer be pregnant, which I thought meant an abortion. But now I wonder if the baby had died and was having to be taken. Her mom came up to be with her.
The next thing I saw, she was in the mental hospital after throwing herself off a cliff.
I can’t even imagine what her family has been through with all this. Heroin, crack, alcohol.
And her parents had just been there for her birthday, which doesn’t seem long ago, but now they don’t talk to her?
I am glad she is somewhere that she can’t use, and that keeps her safe. She is a tortured soul and I don’t even know what the answers are anymore. She must be so hopeless