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I can’t remember them posting about a heart monitor. Where is that post so I can see it? Yeah it defo is a full time job all that running they do. ::: Although he looks happy suppose he is thinking that she could look after him when he retires TBH I’d follow anyone like a lap dog if it meant bringing 25K a month into the house hold . 20 years is some difference, imagine when he is 60 she will only be 4020 years difference in them, and he is running around after her like a lap dog, I'm pretty sure he doesn't get a minutes peace. You could nearly bet your bottom dollar, she's full on from morning to night, dreaming up what to spoof about next. I seem to remember a while back he had one of those 24 hour heart monitors on. I thought at the time, is this just another one of their dramas, but you think about it, the lifestyle he is leading with her, it's pretty full on, it'll catch up with him !!!