Tashacharlotte99 just tagging that in case she changes her name back now we have a new thread
I’ll work on a recap, definitely won’t be as good as the last one haha
Tasha is known for lying about pretty much everything. She is also a racist and said the ‘P’ slur publicly on live, then when she was called out on it she laughed and played it down like everyone used words like that. She also laughed at Jordan being racist on live.
She is now about 3 months pregnant with what she claims is her 7th pregnancy, but it has become pretty obvious over her time online that she faked most if not all of her previous pregnancies and miscarriages for attention. Her behaviour surrounding this pregnancy also makes it very obvious it’s her first pregnancy. She knows basically nothing about any stage of pregnancy and has made some really stupid decisions.
She has continuously put her baby at risk since falling pregnant. From drinking heavily when she knew there was a chance she was pregnant to taking tablets containing vitamin A for weeks. She is also using an at home doppler despite them not being recommended and any time anyone calls her out on her unsafe choices she claims to have done “research”.
Her relationship with Jordan has been rocky since it was revealed he cheated on her just a short time before they decided to try for a baby. He hasn’t really been online with her since and she’s been vague about their relationship, claiming to be happy when her actions show otherwise.
Her parents are a delicate subject. On live she spoke in length about how her biological dad is the reason her and her sister were adopted, stating he cut/pulled her sisters ear off when she was just a baby. They then were adopted but she also spoke about how her adoptive dad was abusive when they were children and hit them. She claims they deserved to be hit because they were difficult children. Her parents don’t seem at all supportive to this pregnancy and she said they weren’t happy about it when she told them.
Her childhood abuse and high score on the ACE scale have clearly lead to her believing that men who love you hurt you. She flinches around Jordan and there has been a lot of speculation that he is abusive. He publicly calls her names, saying she is fat and has shown anger and violence on lives. She always laughs it off but clearly is scared of him.
She posts regular videos of her stroking her stomach. There is no bump yet her deluded fans lie to her saying there is. She eats terribly and guzzles milk like it’s water and so is piling on weight.
She is absolutely convinced she’ll be having the baby between 37-40 weeks despite being told that 37 is early term and baby is safer coming at 40+ weeks.
Any time she is called out for her naive views she’ll say things like “I have friends who did xyz and their babies are fine” or claims that she’s babysat her friends children and so she knows all about parenting. She doesn’t actually have a clue and it’s infuriating to watch.
She claims her weight doesn’t make her high risk and that her doctors haven’t mentioned it at all, which is quite clearly a lie. But then most of what Tasha says is a lie so it’s hardly surprising.
All in all she’s made some awful life decisions and now she has to live with them. She’s stuck to an abusive, racist scabby little man baby for the rest of her life and given her baby some pretty awful genes. We predict Jordan will be gone soon, their relationship is already very rocky and she talks openly about how they never have sex. It would seem all she wanted was some of his swimmers to create the baby that she stupidly believes will heal all her childhood trauma.
Oh and she still can’t dance.