Is this really luxury? She looks exhausted and drawn, and honesty I get it, when she spends half her life on a plane. I get that luxury can be different things to different people, but time is the biggest luxury overall and needing to chase every single influencer event for content, which means you spend your life traveling constantly all around the world, to then get back home and do a try-on "luxury haul" when you look like you desperately need a break isn't very luxurious. She looks like she'd rather be doing anything else.
That's one misconception with influencer life. It can look luxurious and fun and exciting, but really you're constantly running from one place to another, carrying heavy suitcases, packing and unpacking, you're never on the right timezone, constantly having to eat hotel food, sleeping outside of your own bed, and not have a moment's peace in your home... I love a trip once in a while like most people, but when it becomes a job...