I do think she is making a significant amount of money but even then it doesn’t feel like she’s making the smartest finiancial decisions. It feel insane to me that someone’s first instinct isn’t to purchase property (as far as we know about). I understand if she spread allot of money on fashion because it’s what she loves but allot of her outfits are very branded and it does seem like she’s trying to prove something and it isn’t about self expression especially with how significantly her style has changed.
I’ve noticed allot of influencers have started to wear outfits that are head to toe the same brand even if they’re not going to a brands event. This doesn’t seem like something they’d realistically wear if it wasn’t their job and I think it’s so that they can get attention from a brand/ be posted on their page. A brand is more likely to post a picture of you on their page if you’re solely wearing their cloth’s/ there are no distractions, kind of like when Tam got posted by Valentino and she was very proud. I prefer when influencers only purchase items they love from brands and then the information viewers receive is actually useful/ authentic instead of just more stuff. I even think it’s ok to create ‘content’ pictures that are styled in more eccentric ways but that doesn’t mean slapping logo’s across your chest or buying whatever trendy item everyone else has or every single latest collection. I think this is why allot of influencers feel fake and boring now, it’s not about personal style, it’s about stuff.