I too wonder if Jay feels stifled by Tamara’s wealth. Once the novelty has worn off living a life of immeasurable wealth if must get boring after a while.
Whilst watching their programme a few years ago their lives appeared to be very planned with no spontaneity. Her PA told her everyday what had been organised for that day even down to a trip to Costco. How boring must that be? What if they decided on the hop to take the girls to the local park/McDonalds can they do that?
Having their wealth must be amazing but I reckon it also puts many restrictions on them in terms of what they can do and where they can go
So yeah no wonder Jay takes his mum away alone without the circus of bodyguards following them if they were with Tamara and the girls.
Yes just thinking it about it sounds exhausting sure money has benefits but the loss of control, other people doing things for me would make me lose my mind. Chefs, beauticians, servants.
I come from a life of struggle. The struggles for money makes me understand and relate to society and keep me humble.
It's easier for the ladies as its their normal world but for a working class person like Jay it's probably like murmuring oh fck off to servants in your head
Having planners and a full itinerary will be fun at times. But he probably has his shoes polished on him. All too suffocating.
You just want to get away from the fuss, noise and ass licking fake people.
Though it must make you feel entitled naturally. You'd expect a table on demand or the best service. But there are times you can't have that. Transport gets delayed, things get cancelled. That's life.
Their worlds are very different though I imagine their dad Bernie often reminds them of his working class roots.
I dont think they'll ever know what it's like to run out of kitchen roll and coffee like me now and argue about who is going to run to the shops to get it
or I can't afford to holiday this year so will postpone it for another year
things they never will experience.
These things are normal for the majority of us and make life more interesting, give you moments to appreciate the true meaning of life.
My life just seems easier when I can think and do things for myself
Essay over