I've followed both Tamara and Jay for ages and I like seeing all their holiday photos. They're like life porn!
I have absolutely no idea why they would feel the need to do it though, as a few others have said, what can they possibly get out of Instagram? Well, I can see what Jay gets out of it, the opportunity to show off, but why does Tamara bother with it? And why does she post thousands of pictures of her draughter too, she has no need to! I also was a bit irritated at Jay biting at all the comments under his posts. He set about one woman who dared to say his posts were a bit insensitive. He stalked her Facebook profile and saw that she'd changed her profile picture to a picture of a boat, and accused her of hypocritically also going on holiday while criticising him. She replied to say it was an old holiday photo (of course it was, only the billionaires are able to go on holiday at the moment), and quite rightly asked what the hell he was doing seeking her out on Facebook to try and prove her to be a hypocrite, just because she commented that his post was insensitive!
Thanks for the recommendation on James Stunt. Wowzers! He is so utterly incoherent, does he really expect people to believe he's off the drugs? He can't form proper sentences, he repeats himself hundreds of times, he goes off on massive rambling tangents. I'd love to know the real story, was he actually a billionaire or did he just pretend to be one? And if he really did have money, was it all from forged paintings? One day perhaps it will all come out and they'll make a movie about him!