Talkswb: Shoshi Winstanley-Brown


She’s now going to have a go at podcasting
We aren’t allowed to ‘diagnose’ on here. But I know she states she has autism and people object to her saying that as she isn’t diagnosed. But she is self aware enough to make a fair assumption.
I actually think she probably has a different diagnosable condition based on her features.
I think not wanting to be booked up with clients as a dream is pretty achievable. But interesting spin…

And €1000 a month to be a client?! I’m sorry but this woman got a following based on people laughing at her dancing and dress sense. The fact she thinks her following is based on more than that is very much delusions of grandeur.


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It goes far past being neurodivergent at this point. How old is she? Mid to late thirties? Wish her parents would put some sense into her.

I’ve paid a grand or two grand out of my budget at work for professional coaches for employees needing them who have years of experience with big company names. She has no experience for this whatsoever than fluffy life aspiration nonsense she uploads to her account.
Unless your work is your passion, I really don't like the idea of living to work, and sure traditional 9-5's aren't for everyone. But it really comes across as she wants to do bare minimum work for a high income.

She has said she charges what she does because she is focusing on a certain demographic, but that she also doesn't want to be fully booked up as that is to similar to a traditional job. I mean she could charge a reasonable amount, pick and choose the amount of clients she takes on and increase the charge from there. But she is just so incredibly money focused, she wants minimum amount of clients for a maximum amount of profit and she wants it now, she doesn't have the time or patience (sorry edit, she absolutely has the time, just not the patience) to build up her reputation.

When explaining what 24 hour access to her means on her lives she says it doesn't mean you will be talking for 24 hours, more so you have access to her for 24 hours and she will respond as and when she can in that 24 hours. She isn't the best at explaining so I could be wrong on what the 24 hour coaching is.
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Someone actually gave her great advice to set up a asmr youtube which actually she could gain a following and make a bit of money off it. She responded saying it's definitely not something she will be doing and not where she wants her future to go? idk if I was in her position of €0 income I would atleast give it a go but any help or advice people give she always has an excuse on why it won't work.
Like tbf I think she does have a good asmr voice.
Someone actually gave her great advice to set up a asmr youtube which actually she could gain a following and make a bit of money off it. She responded saying it's definitely not something she will be doing and not where she wants her future to go? idk if I was in her position of €0 income I would atleast give it a go but any help or advice people give she always has an excuse on why it won't work.
Like tbf I think she does have a good asmr voice.

Unless she’s sniffing a candle.. 😳