She shares some knock off bags & scarfs, a good few pages have vanished because they sell/promote fake goods. It’s highly likely this is what has happenedSo her page is suspended because she got people to report the copy pages.
Suzanne posts into a business group looking for someone who works in Instagram because her page is her whole job here is one of her comments
But she never set up anything to make money
She’s so sad bless herOh my god the grid picture
She’s obviously heard about all the money the other bloggers make, but unfortunately Suzanne isn’t a very likeable person and she really has nothing going for her !Oh my god the grid picture
She’s obviously heard about all the money the other bloggers make, but unfortunately Suzanne isn’t a very likeable person and she really has nothing going for her !
She crashed and burned trying to get to the 30 k, the pout , jaysus woman , your in your 40s stop ffsIs it not the girl who runs sassy ladies now who wrote it? they both ran the more than a ma Instagram page, then fell out and suzanne kept the page as her own.
She’s ridiculous, trying too hard to be 20 years younger than she is ,Mutton dressed as lamb, she does not look like that in real life. Believe me. Stop with the filters, ridiculous pouting and dress your age. You are a grandmother.
She’s saying in the home store 3 or 4 times a week , what is she looking for , that’s why shelves are empty, it’s to stop people from going to shops , no one is meant to be shopping at the momentI’m too skeptical these days - it can’t have worked that well if she’s hiding the stained side of the top. All she’s done is guarantee I’ll never buy bold pods
I unfollowed her ages ago, but I just went on for the nosy to see if she was pregnant. Weird thing to get alright, but at least she’s giving it away! It shows she has little to no engagement tho. And she needs to stop pouting like she’s blowing an invisible whistle. I see that hasn’t changed!First time posting on this thread......I don't understand at all...why in the name of Jesus did MAM gift her of all people free bottle sets....I'm baffled..?
She said a while back she’d never be ad after ad as she wanted to keep her page more interesting and didn’t want people getting bored. She only said that as obviously no one wanted to work with her
Well Suz hun, that’s exactly what it is now ad after ad after ad
the pouting is ridiculous and stupid poses on every single pic. Then she’s caked up in make up just to sit at home. Why bother? Who does that. So not relatable. Dose