Its goin to be like the amazon jungle with all the bloody fake plants. Its goin to be claustraphobic with all the crap and shelves of
tit everywhere
Families with no homes, families unable to heat their homes or put food on the table and this deluded parasite is crying on Instagram because of a bleeping shower door. Ugh, she makes me sick!
Families with no homes, families unable to heat their homes or put food on the table and this deluded parasite is crying on Instagram because of a bleeping shower door. Ugh, she makes me sick!
shes psycho, how anyone gives her work , is beyond me , sits on her arse all day , bad mouthing her husband,,poor man working all day. , and trying to put a cabin up, she was able to wash hair yesterday for voduz add , and bperfect , some of her family needs to tell her to cop on, spoilt , gets a free tummy tuck , probably discount cabin , loads of free
tit all year, did a video praising herself, in memory of her father, shes cloning that little girl into a mini version of herself,shes the head of a narcissist bully, why would anyone associate with someone who comes on bad mouthing all day everyday and shes so perfect herself, if thats not narcissistic, actually bperfect