VIP Member
Does she not realise that calling 3 black women “dark forces” is incredibly racist and offensive??
I worked in healthcare as one of my first jobs and have an autistic interest in infectious diseases. Yes, someone who has GI symptoms but is otherwise well *absolutely* does not need NHS input - for diarrhoea and vomiting it’s very much a watch-and-wait, keep hydrated, eat bland foods case. Obvs anyone vulnerable or with Co-morbidities should take
precautions if infected and use 101 (or 999 in an emergency).
It was the exact same message for covid - anyone really sick needs to seek help. Those with moderate and mild symptoms just act as you would with any other infectious illness - ie stay home and have your paracetamol.
Otherwise the entire GP, Primary Care and NHS 111 system would be clogged over those panicking and overwhelming the system.
It certainly isn’t a conspiracy, more so taking sensible and measured precautions to not overwhelm a small NHS trust.
and PSA to wash your hands peeps x
Also I imagine if you were to promote through the media that people need to self-report, you'll get every Keith, Barry and Bob who had a vindaloo or too many wines or a Dominos or has just got the cause-unknown shits hanging off the phone to 111