my God how that woman looks for attention. Short of taking an ad out in the avondhu ( local paper) she basically told her followers that she struggled with minding her own kids for a 24 hour period, that She lied about Colm being an amazing partner or support to her, and that she is a dirty animal who doesn’t shower for 3 days.
The fake sitting on the floor playing with the young girl was laughable especially since the floors are walking with the dirt.
She was more interested in slagging other Insta huns than doing anything fun or entertaining with her lot.
There was absolutely no evidence of feeding them anything, definitely no Turkey and we know for certain she would have pictured it for the gram.
She can’t cope at all being a parent and the only time she cracked a smile was last night when she skipped off into Fermoy for a shag and a fag with the gruesome Gollum.
someone else mentioned that those kids deserve so much better, Yes they do, she somehow persuaded even the older two boys to be with her for Xmas day the first time in at least 10 months that all 8 have been together with her and yet she didn’t care. Only moaned about being alone and how hard things are as a single parent. Always looking for sympathy.
this year would have been so tough for many families and her big mopey head giving out about noise, mess and the small ones fighting.
jesus is that not what Xmas is about?
Why have so many of you don’t like kids?
Nah all she can focus on is who Creepy is riding. He was definitely out at Anna’s Xmas day so maybe he’s trying to turn over a new leaf himself and be a father to his youngster.
As unbelievable as that sounds as he is as narcissistic as she is.
All I can say here is it’s so obvious her kids are an inconvenience and all she wants is to be with her boyfriend 24/7
He’s using her and when she can’t drive come January I’m guessing we’ll have a whole lot more tears and tantrums.