Style Swoon #2 Looney Swoony in her pink palace, treating all the free tradies with malice

Every single one of the munchkins birthdays she refers back to their birth. Newsflash Sarah - it's THEIR birthday. It's not about you!

Also spare a thought for parents whose babies have to be taken away to be in NICU. She has to dramatise everything and yet nothing is ever actually that bad. She needs to get over herself.
If you genuinely have "the flue" maybe don't get all your kids in bed with you? It's a cold Sarah 🙄

But she'd be delighted for them all to be sick so they can stay home with her again. 🤪
“The flue” but yet has the energy to do her hair and sit up for a family selfie and post on insta??? THE ACTUAL FLU = no energy, no appetite, aversion to lights - I couldn’t lift my head, have lights on or eat with the FLU, didn’t look at my phone for days.

Exactly - it’s a cold. Selfish cow. Another day locked up in the pink prison where she can tell them more life stories to heighten their anxiety
The truth is that she had NOTHING done for Harry’s birthday. She admitted a few days ago she had nothing done. And then she conveniently comes down with a cold the FLUE. What a nasty cvnt to cancel the child’s birthday party. And where’s his father that he couldn’t manage the party?

Sarah has major issues.


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She’s never organised for those kids birthdays, like she has no job and all the time in the world to get sorted. She’s too busy playing make believe as an “interior designer” and visiting bathroom showrooms, she’s absolutely mental. I was very sick the morning of my child’s birthday party (nothing contagious) and dosed up on meds to make it through, I’d never ruin his day it was a non negotiable.
Don't feel too bad @Handful22 , she was still able to make Harry's birthday all about her! Her nails are looking pretty immaculate too for someone who has spent 3 weeks being sick. Top of the queue at the Beacon is not exactly regular A&E!

And of course she had to had to dramatise it that it was a suspected blood clot. Pneumonia wasn't dramatic enough for her! She thrives on the worst case scenario, I'd imagine she is disappointed when it doesn't come to fruition.
That poor poor child. Has never spent a minute away from her. Imagine that poor dad at home trying to console him. She is the worst. I’m convinced that mothers that do attachment parenting, do it for themselves, you couldn’t possibly want your child to go through this. Selfish cow's all about herself. Like nobody else knows how to rear a child. There's absolutely no reason for her to be sleeping with kids for last 9 years. No wonder Mike looks so bored. She's absolutely painful.