Dianne is going to be insufferable isn’t she? God what an irritating couple. The only saving grace is that Bobby is unlikely to win because he can’t be that popular. If Nigel had still been there, I think Bobby would have been out last week.
Annabel is what Strictly is about for a lot of people and according to a colleague who studies form, she was second favourite to win by the bookies earlier in the week. She needed a lot of votes to balance out her scores and obviously just weren’t there.
I was confident Ellie would win but now I’m not so sure. I don’t have a skin in the game but the thought of Bobby and Dianne winning brings out the same feelings of injustice I had when Ore won
. I don’t think Layton will win. If I had a pound for every time I’ve seen “BuT hE’s A pRoFesSiOnAl DaNcEr” on social media I would be off to Donaghey’s for the weekend. Yes he is, yes he does have an advantage in terms of dancing in front of an audience and basic dance fundamentals but Nikita and Layton have been a joy to watch this year.