Her post has really annoyed me as someone who worked with kids for many years. She seems to believe children with severe autism/arfid seem to become that way or ‘worse’ by parents introducing unhealthy foods in the first place which is simply untrue. There’s a reason doctors actually advise parents to just give kids the ‘safe’ food they beg for if it means they go to sleep with at least one thing to eat rather than nothing..
Majority of children I know with Arfid rejected any kind of foods from the moment they could and any ‘unhealthy’ foods that they were introduced to would be so their parent could know their child has ONE thing in their stomach at least instead of starving. Does she not realise Arfid/autism kids will literally starve themselves rather than eat? Her logic of ‘just give them water it’s what humans need’ sounds outdated and shocking. You can’t just force them to deal with it, we could all force feed kids with our own hands, then what? you’ve forced them food congrats … annnd given them an extremely negative/traumatic relationship with food..