Strawberry Hayes/Charlie Hayes #2 Her pronouns are Paypal/Scrounger


I mean, if this ISNT your logic, get the duck off the internet until you have grown up and you can safeguard your children.
If I had kids and someone asked me for indecent images of them, I’d be on the phone to the police and reporting them. I wouldn’t be scamming them and taking their money, even if you don’t intend on sending the images it’s still enabling their behaviour to an extent.

I’d also never ever post photos of my kids online again after that. Not then continue to post about their private parts, their toilet habits, etc, knowing full well a paedophile will be watching that content.
In her defence the person she took the money from was asking her for photos of herself as a child not of her child, still absolutely clapped though.
Sorry there are plenty of places you can go online to share struggles/ask for advice without giving your location and showing your child’s face

agreed! If you have genuine concerns and no one to speak to, there are plenty of forums you can ask for advice anonymously. It upsets me how she does not safeguard her child at all from creeps on the internet.

does she have any close friends in real life or is it all online friends?
Oh dear,why doxx yourself?
For the drama so she can be all "oh boohoo people found my address online" probably to cry to the council too to move her to a different location.
No thoughts for her son whatsoever.

Also her saying she didn't ask people to give her money...why put your PayPal link up? Oh people were asking her for it so they could send her things...Well why not say thank you but keep that money for yourselves or even donate it to a homeless charity if you have spare money.