They where being a bit dramatic over accidentally sending Chloe to school in her P.E kit! Rache went in to speak to the school to see if they should take her home to change, Steve was going on about it several times, they expected Chloe to be in a mood and then Steve telling Chloe that "mummy was worrying all day" - but in reality, Chloe didn't seem bothered at all. They need to get a grip. They really do put their own anxieties on to the kids. Chloe didn't need to know that Rache was worrying about her all day simply because she was in her P.E kit, that's just giving Chloe a reason to think there's something to worry about. The school didn't seem bothered and neither did Chloe. However, in the previous vlog, Chloe did tell them she didn't have P.E the next day (today).
Lacey slept until Rache left for work it seems which is around 2 isn't it? Why do they let them sleep all day? So they don't have to deal with them? Still blows my mind that the worst sleepers are Chloe and Lacey yet they don't seem to make the connection that those two have the worst sleep routine in the household. Playing on devices and keeping a bright light on isn't exactly a good environment for getting a decent sleep each night. I notice though when he's talking about Chloe not sleeping there's lots of eye rolling and saying she plays up etc but when it's about Lacey not sleeping it's always in a more sympathetic way like "oh you never sleep do you" or that she can't sleep.