
I've been blocked, apparently 300,000 were. I find the hashtag hilarious and couldn't care less about being blocked. I've never spoken out on the trans debate but follow people who do, so must've been put on the 'terf list' because of that 🤷‍♀️. Never knew he had Twitter but now I've looked into him he looks like he's grown into a self-important twit. Can't imagine the rest of the band will be happy.
A friend of mine is a massive steps fan, travelled the uk for tour and signings and has been blocked. Safe to say she is fuming

Think he's got some catching up to do if he wants the other Ian Watkins to hold his drink.

I remember when H from Steps left Twitter because during the Ian Watkins court case people were tweeting H wrongly. TBH it made me laugh did that.
#BlockedByHFromSteps has been trending because H has been using software that blocks people based on their views. Basically if you think a woman cannot have a penis he will block you. The same guy who won't have used a trans surrogacy to see how it would have gone down.

I mean, it's hardly surprising that a gay man doesn't want to see LGBT+ discrimination on his feed, especially considering how many homophobic comments he attracts on his social media as is?

Like I'm seeing right-wing folk now desperately trying to get him cancelled using the fact Steps weren't getting equal pay back in 1999 as 'proof' he's misogynistic 🙈 Like no, your real outrage there should be at the record label clearly taking advantage of young women by low-balling them in contract negotiations, as does our culture of not discussing salaries for fear of being 'rude' which only benefits the company in hiding pay gaps. (Not to mention the article they're sharing actually states it was Lee's salary that was twice that of the girls' and doesn't even mention H.)

Anyway I'm glad to see he's taking all this in his stride:
Just reading back over some of these posts (how did I not know this was here?!) and I’ve got a few observations.
I’ve been a huge Steps fan for years and I’ve met them a few times.
Faye is lovely. I’m from the North East and I know people who know her and they all say the same, she’s really lovely and genuine.

Lisa is lovely too, or she comes across as lovely. When I met them at the signing I went to, I was moving slowly as I was stiff and sore from sitting in my wheelchair for ages waiting for them. Lisa seemed genuinely concerned and apologetic that I had been kept waiting for them.

I’ve never liked Claire, I think she’s a bit full of herself. I seem to recall her husband is from somewhere near where I live and my hubby knows of him. Says he’s an utter tit. They make a good pair then 😂

Lee. Oh blimey where do I start there.
I’ve been hopelessly in love with Lee from the start. The general consensus was that Lee was only ever in the group because of what he looked like; he was never allowed to sing on anything. The ironic thing is that he has a good voice- but he was the ‘eye candy’ for the girls and gay men. He always denied that this was a problem but from those in the know he had a massive chip on his shoulder about it.
When I first met them, I took along something for him to sign. I was living in Liverpool when I got into them and I went to the Everton shop and bought that season’s shirt and had his name put on the back as he’s a big Everton fan. I cherished that shirt, mainly as it was the only thing I managed to save from my abusive ex. Lee was really chuffed to see the shirt and was really sweet when I told him the full story as he signed it (because a 2001 Everton top is a bit of a random thing to have signed 😂)
I wore it when I went to see him in panto in St Helen’s a few years later and he was really funny with me. He kept the signature wasn’t his as he didn’t remember signing my shirt and he would have remembered. I showed him the photo I had of him signing the shirt and let him look properly at the shirt and he just went ‘oh yeah. That is me’ No apology for being arsey or anything. When I met him at the signing in Leicester he could barely bring himself to say hello which I was really disappointed at- he’s obviously my favourite but it was just like he couldn’t be bothered. I was literally first through so I dread to think what he was like with those further back!

I’ve met H a few times and he’s mostly been fine, but he was really arsey when Lee was signing my shirt. It seems he doesn’t like others being the centre of attention. When I met them in Leicester I was wearing a t-shirt with rainbow sequins on it spelling out ‘love’ and he absolutely loved it. He was really lovely then, I don’t know if I’ve been blocked by him though- I haven’t looked 😂Edit- I haven’t 😂
#BlockedByHFromSteps has been trending because H has been using software that blocks people based on their views. Basically if you think a woman cannot have a penis he will block you. The same guy who won't have used a trans surrogacy to see how it would have gone down.

And technology continues to get creepier with each passing day, Jesus Christ.
I was neighbours with Faye when we were kids. We spent large majority of the 80s doing cheesy dances in my back garden - it usually ended up with her standing on my back doing jazz hands. My parents had a rickety shed that Faye and I were told not to go in so of course we did! She said that it the shed collapsed and only one it us could get out alive because was in double figures and I was still only 9. During the mid 80s there was a series of a rapes and burglaries (the perpetrator was known as the fox) in towns and villages near us. Faye and I went to a newsagent, bought a Pink Panther notebook and wrote 'BEWARE OF THE FOX' on every page stuck our warning to the lampposts.

Not remotely anything tea like my lovely childhood anecdotes.
I’ve loved Steps since they were around the first time. I was gutted on that Boxing Day when they split up! I remember mentioning it to a fellow Steps fan friend at school when we went back after Christmas and she wasn’t bothered! 😭🙈
I’ve always liked Faye and wanted to be her their first time round! I’ve never met her, but would love to! It’s nice to see that she is as lovely as she seems. She seems to live a very normal life in the North East.
I’ve always loved Claire’s voice, but the reunion tv show confirmed that she is a diva and an overgrown child.
I think that Lisa seems nice enough, but is very delusional about her own talent! She is a below average singer, but thinks she is Claire’s equal. She is also a pushy stage mum and I don’t think that having your own children front and centre in every production is a great way to run a theatre school/business.
Lee seems very bland and boring. One of those guys who looks good but has no personality!
I’ve always found H annoying and even more so since Steps returned. He was like an overgrown child the first time around and now he treats his sexuality like a personality trait and I think he deliberately does things to shock. I think that he is trying to capatalise on it and get attention for it because he didn’t get it in the 90s and early noughties. All of the ‘I’m a gay you know’ stuff is annoying! There’s a guy at work who is gay and he doesn’t announce it every day in the office - or at all actually. I guess because I don’t judge someone based on their sexual preference is why I find it tedious for it to be woven into everything that H does. Homophobia of course still exists unfortunately, but I think he likes people to be aware of him and he is not always aiming to raise awareness. I’m not blocked by him so far! I’m not sure what his motivation is for all of this, but he is clearly enjoying the attention.
I mean, it's hardly surprising that a gay man doesn't want to see LGBT+ discrimination on his feed, especially considering how many homophobic comments he attracts on his social media as is?

Like I'm seeing right-wing folk now desperately trying to get him cancelled using the fact Steps weren't getting equal pay back in 1999 as 'proof' he's misogynistic 🙈 Like no, your real outrage there should be at the record label clearly taking advantage of young women by low-balling them in contract negotiations, as does our culture of not discussing salaries for fear of being 'rude' which only benefits the company in hiding pay gaps. (Not to mention the article they're sharing actually states it was Lee's salary that was twice that of the girls' and doesn't even mention H.)

Anyway I'm glad to see he's taking all this in his stride:
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I am not remotely right wing but IMVHO, women cannot have penises, men cannot have vaginas and gender ideology is terrifying and dehumanising for women's very existence. Do not conflate this with homophobia as they are in no way similar.
Well I've been blocked by H and I support trans rights 🤣 Hate how polarising the debate is on both sides.

Love all the tea and anecdotes!
I’ve also been blocked and I am a fierce supporter of trans rights, and lgbtq+ rights in general so I’m just baffled! It’s really not fair that now, genuine fans have been blocked. He never said anything I was particularly interested in but it’s not a nice feeling.
As someone who has been a fan of steps since the very beginning (they were my first concert!) I’m really disappointed.
I am not remotely right wing but IMVHO, women cannot have penises, men cannot have vaginas and gender ideology is terrifying and dehumanising for women's very existence. Do not conflate this with homophobia as they are in no way similar.

If you read my post, I was saying that the overly right-wing folk were the ones somehow blaming H for Steps' salaries in 1999, just desperate to find something to be mad about 😅 The current transphobia in the UK unfortunately is very similar to the homophobia that was prevailant just a few decades earlier - it's the same idea of othering, the same arguments painting a group as 'dangerous' or 'deviant' under the guise of 'protecting' people/children from 'immoral practices'. Section 28 (which made it illegal for schools to "promote the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship" or even make kids aware that gay people existed) was still law within my lifetime and I'm only in my 20s 😕 Not wishing to derail this thread with gender arguments but there's a reason H himself only publically came out in 2007, not 1997. Just because we more openly accept homosexuality now doesn't mean we can pretend it was always accepted both socially and legally to this extent.

Definitely sounds like it's not a perfect software that he's used, which is always the danger with AI. Especially when, with most of the algorithms these days and how old SM accounts can be, most of us don't know exactly who we follow these days. I mind recently noticing I followed a random UK councillor - turns out it was because they used to be a massive Katy Perry fan when I followed them and they had simply rebranded their personal account over the years once they got into politics 😂😂 But ultimately there's probably not a lot H can do about it now, unless he's up for manually unblocking thousands of accounts 🙈
I’ve been blocked by H but I don’t care. I didn’t even follow him. He knows fine well what a woman is. He’s used at least 4 Women to have his children. (One surrogate had a miscarriage)
If he is offended by people saying A woman doesn’t have a penis then I don’t know what to tell him. I find it offensive when he says he knows more about periods than women do and when he calls a woman opening up a rape crisis centre vile. What’s he done for woman? Apart from being happy to take more pay than them?
I have had the mis pleasure of meeting him, Faye and Lee and H was a head.

Apparently as well the bot blocker he used was made by a pedalo allegedly.