So to get this straight Vav goes to the Police to make a formal complaint about people on tt making tts harassing her, comes straight out of the police station and runs onto tt to tell everyone (doesn’t happen cause first piece of advice would be to say nothing whilst and investigation is ongoing) She then continues to like and comment on comments from people saying derogatory stuff about the people you’ve made a complaint about. Vav then comments that one of them who she’s made a complaint about for speaking about her calls her obsessed and takes the piss of her co parenting relationship. Any legitimate complaint she may have had (which she absolutely doesn’t btw) has been blown completely out of the water by her own behaviour. The police would take one look at her social media, the clap back, the many many arsey comments, the crappy comments by her follower, her Nana, Mum and herself and tell her to jog on. We’ve seen some lies and deceit over the past few year but this is taking the biscuit