I bliddy hate this. Our kids have been poorly since 4th December!!! Only now are they starting to come out the other side of it. It’s winter. Its bug after bug. On top of that, Strep A has become a fear for many parents. It doesn’t help with videos comparing strep A or anything else with the severity of meningitis when in most cases, strep A won’t kill. I’m pretty certain both my wee ones have just had a touch of strep throat too, it’s not nice, it’s never nice to see the kids suffering but Christ on a bike, the sad music and the woe is me, he’s not Tiny Tim ffs! I’d have thought more of her if she had come on and said “poor max is really decked by this bug, he’s got antibiotics now and hopefully he will be better soon. I’m off to clean up and sit on my arse with a coffee while he sleeps” or even a nap while he naps if nights have been awful. Why does she feel the need to dramatise everything?! And this filming people while they sleep?! For the internet?! It’s bleeping creepy!!!