Having to dye her own hair?? Is this just to show that she’s not always splashing the cash hope it comes out greenwhere is max now sitting on live dying her hair for hours!!! Such a busy mum guys
Shes a 10/10 hairdresser remember guys!Having to dye her own hair?? Is this just to show that she’s not always splashing the cash hope it comes out green
What?? Really?? Who actually lets their kids go out trick or treating when they reach high school?? That’s so bloody minky, if I had high school kids at my door they’d get a boot up the ass. She certainly is dragging those kids up, probably isn’t giving a tit cos she will be delighted to get rid of her for a few hours. 10/10 Top MumI’m confused her daughters going trick or treating , isn’t she like 13 years old
His dad has him again, she said during the live. He was in Austria for a week and is now back so wanted to see him.where is max now sitting on live dying her hair for hours!!! Such a busy mum guys