Stephanie Lange

In her Q&A highlight you can see she clearly has no idea how much sun she can handle because her chest and shoulders look kind of burnt. Enjoy the sun damage to your skin Steph! 🤣
Totally! She is very fair ok with enough exposure she takes a tan but still not healthy plus she has quite a lot of large freckles/moles.
Honestly I thought one thing Australian people did religiously was practice safe sun "hygiene" as they call it.
She literally got a guide for her SIBO test, telling her exactly what she can and can't eat. She messed it up on the first day 🤦‍♀️ and just complains about it and everything else. this girl.. seriously. I'l always remember years ago when she said something along the lines of "i don't consider myself a feminist because i have never been negatively impacted by men" 🙄
She literally got a guide for her SIBO test, telling her exactly what she can and can't eat. She messed it up on the first day 🤦‍♀️ and just complains about it and everything else. this girl.. seriously. I'l always remember years ago when she said something along the lines of "i don't consider myself a feminist because i have never been negatively impacted by men" 🙄
I have had to do the low fodmap diet for months! And I still have to cut things out, namely onions, citrus, instant coffee...
Shes a twit
It was a good concept at first then you realise how much of hypocrite she is. I wish people would people like her out but then she'd be like be kind. Here's the thing people can be called out without being personal or is constructive criticism cancelled as well
Just threw up up my mouth.
Can she not just be normal and have a bowl of porridge and have a fried egg on the side? Never seen the likes of it...

I presume it has to taste nice or they wouldn't it but the stuff she cooks always sounds rank :sick: I also am sick of teeth of the two of them insisting everything needs to be organic or wild - Darren was banging on in his stories the other day about if the 'wild caught' salmon he bought was actually from Alaska...
Even Oliver wouldn’t be asking for more of that muck.

I presume it has to taste nice or they wouldn't it but the stuff she cooks always sounds rank :sick: I also am sick of teeth of the two of them insisting everything needs to be organic or wild - Darren was banging on in his stories the other day about if the 'wild caught' salmon he bought was actually from Alaska...

As someone who wrote their undergraduate dissertation on Atlantic salmon… the only salmon that’s sustainable/you should be buying is Pacific salmon. But that’s a lot of airmiles, so they shouldn’t be eating salmon at all. Checkmate, crunchies.
Lol her recent stories. So she is a full blown hypochondriac. What’s Darren’s excuse then…
Wow... she is seriously sick.

Just threw up up my mouth.View attachment 1164222 q
I used to add egg to my oatmeal years ago (while in the throes of an ED) and you can totally taste it. It's not exactly unpleasant, and it does make it creamier, but it does add an eggy flavor. Once I managed to recover from my EDs I could no longer stand the taste or smell of that combination, nor of some of the other concoctions I would make. Now, I would rather boil an egg and have that with a side of oatmeal, or, more often than not, I just make oatmeal with milk and don't worry about adding even more protein. She definitely has orthorexia or close to it, probably as a response to her hypochondria.
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Seems like she has OCD which is a form of anxiety, hers being that her family will get sick, so she obsesses, she is looking at various routes for anxiety but I think OCD is treated slightly differently.
I wonder if she's self diagnosed or has actually been to a psychologist? I know she said she tried medication and CBT I think. But those are generally thrown at you by your g.p before you've even seen q psychologist for a real diagnosis. That's generally why medication and some types of therapy don't work for people in the beginning. It's not one size fits all. She seems to have a real distrust for mainstream medicine too. I agree though that it seems like OCD. She mentioned in her story that her obsession over nutrition is one of the only things that calms her anxiety and puts her mind at rest. Her compulsion is obviously putting bone broth in every meal.
I wonder if she's self diagnosed or has actually been to a psychologist? I know she said she tried medication and CBT I think. But those are generally thrown at you by your g.p before you've even seen q psychologist for a real diagnosis. That's generally why medication and some types of therapy don't work for people in the beginning. It's not one size fits all. She seems to have a real distrust for mainstream medicine too. I agree though that it seems like OCD. She mentioned in her story that her obsession over nutrition is one of the only things that calms her anxiety and puts her mind at rest. Her compulsion is obviously putting bone broth in every meal.
Yes I agree, CBT is usually a 1st stop after meds or along side, I have anxiety disorder and when I'm at my highest I will have OCD tendencies, checking and intrusive thoughts around a certain number but they retreat when my anxiety comes down, i seen apsychologist she needs to find the root cause, I'm thinking abandonment issues re her father, she may not think it affects her but it must do or had a big enough effect when she was younger, and would lend itself to the reason she worries about her family being sick and in theory "leaving"