Stephanie Lange

Did anyone see Darren's post responding to someone saying the fluoride take is privileged. Does he realise that that 'couple hundred bucks' spent on hippie water could be money families put aside for gas/electric or food and not, as he put it, money wasted on cigarettes and alcohol. I actually couldn't believe his response. Not one bit of understanding or empathy.
Well, he dropped from 10.2k followers to 10.1k, so we're not the only ones bothered!
He’d wanna watch himself because it doesn’t give me good vibes in terms of his approach to managing clients as a PT with his snotty replies to people. Just don’t reply to them 😂 They love sharing the hate they get just for engagement on their stories etc because they’ve got nothing else going on to get engagement (Stephanie always shared DMs about hate she got for being vegan/not being vegan etc)
I’ve always been pretty ‘meh’ about Darren, but after seeing those stories I’m genuinely disgusted in him. He can share what he likes sure, but the fact he’s so god damn ignorant and can’t just accept/admit his privilege is vile.

It seems he just rides the coat-tails of Stephanie’s success too, so if it wasn’t for her would they be able to afford 5000$ bed canopies and RO water systems?!
Honestly, I could not be bothered with the pair of them. I can’t take Anything she says seriously as we al saw how she was about being a Vegan and the next second she is drinking bone fat in her drinks! Talk about flipping. They are exhausting people and boring as hell!
To be fair, I feel COVID's made us all a bit boring! 😆 But that's a good attitude to take
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