Ugh! Why did I look at more of her posts? What is this BS science graph she's posting about set point weight? Bodies don't work like that IRL! If they did, there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic! Bodies don't give a tit about your aesthetic and fitness goals. It gives a tit about starving to death and being energy selfish. If there's tasty food allover the place and you don't make a conscious effort, your brain will say eat it! It don't care about your fat levels or if adipose tissue is too full, this set point theory, in the long term, is nonsense. She's totally misrepresenting the science. Sure, if you eat a duck ton over a few months in spite of your normal habits, you *might* lose weight *if* you go back to your previous eating habits. Unfortunately, that's not the case for the rest of humanity. That's why your weight creeps up over time if you don't consciously regulate your eating habits.
And you KNOW Stephanie was mentally counting every damn calorie in her filler-injected head when she started dropping weight. Gods, she's such a shyster!
And you KNOW Stephanie was mentally counting every damn calorie in her filler-injected head when she started dropping weight. Gods, she's such a shyster!