VIP Member
I actually despise the woman. Who does the smelly rancid disgusting unhygienic woman think she is?! Using peoples names to mock?! My dad was called Mark and I find it so offensive. Imagine someone taking the piss out of her child constantly calling him T-Rex or a bloody dinosaur, I don't know. I just cannot stand her.
I agree. Could easily say why did you give your kid a dogs name but of course that would us not being kind.
Part of me thinks that, like myself, her Insta has more pictures of the littlest because parents tend to be more camera happy when they are younger as you capture all the cute firsts etc, plus tweens and teens tend to become camera shy and don't want to pose, or be featured on their parents social media.
Then I remember who it is and I think she features Rex so heavily because it's more profitable. The older boys, despite how lovely and handsome they are, aren't getting her Primark collections or sent bundles of free clothes.
Hopefully the boys see the benefit of not being on her Insta so much, I'd be mortified if my mum danced with her mop or dipped her hair in a puddle
You are so right. I’d never thought about it like that before but your right on the money. And let’s face it even Rex will have a shelf life.
It bugs me so much when all she writes about is how much she loves him and he’s her world and how she can’t live without him now blah blah blah. So what about the other two ?? I dunno. Maybe I’m just sensitive but I have a five year old and I’m due in two weeks and I’m very, very aware I don’t want him to feel he’s now second best.
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