You’re so right here! I can imagine she envisaged herself as a radiant bride, statuesque and Disney princess-like in her beautiful and expensive designer dress which even though might not have been the most comfortable to wear (well, we all know how suffering for one’s beauty is commonplace ), with its ever so hint of sexy thigh high split certainly looked the part and combined with her glittery, spangley and once again expensive shoes would mean no one would be able to take their eyes off her all day.I think SSS imagined Looking like Jessica Rabbit in the wedding dress. Pert tits and a thigh high split.
Didn’t quite manage to pull it off though did she….
Joe, who thought she said rampant rabbit got a bit over enthusiastic during the ‘first dance’.
it was all a bit cheap, too labelly, too scruffy and just too tacky.
Sort of a sticky carpet nightclub do rather than a red one.
Of course was the case, with all eyes indeed on Stacey, however this was mainly due to the fact that parts of her dress, especially in certain lights, was completely sheer showing how actually the dress itself was designed for someone of a different body shape and didn’t fit particularly well at all and the shoes just looking completely ridiculous and not complimenting the dress or achieving the look she was actually going for.
As for that last dance, Joe looked like an excited teenager about to get his end away for the first time at the end of a school disco and their combined red, sweaty, shiny faces, puffy from crying and more than likely being the worse for wear (tea station my arse) and the need to paw at each other like they’d forgotten they had an audience, made the whole event painful and utterly embarrassing to watch. It’s the kids I feel for; I mean being a teenager is hard enough without having your parents engage in bordering on explicit public displays of afffection in front of a crowd of gathered onlookers.
All in all as you say I don’t think she quite pulled off the look she was intending… mind, it was nice to see her in something that wasn’t a shapeless tracksuit or or the obligatory unflattering leisurewear, although I suppose you could say she just traded this for an unflattering dress. However I suppose she had put, or at least someone had put, significant effort into ‘transforming’ her hair, how successfully that was is again questionable though. Still, what was novel to see was Joe without a cap or hood for a change, although just what he’d done to achieve a full old head of hair, well, no doubt there was some trickery behind the scenes. All in all I’m guessing the completed look wasn’t quite the one they were going for!