Lads, she’s riled me up today. I don’t follow her, just dip in and out (sound muted obvs) but I watched today and the tone deafness is really grating. My husband is about to loose his job, we’ve spent 3 days pouring over our finances, seeing if there’s anything more we can trim (while our food shopping, petrol etc spirals like for us all). Then this twit is posting that she buying bouquets for no reason, luxury cakes and £6 bath bombs all just because she can. I know we can’t sensor what other people post and should have a ‘good for them’ mentality and I usually do but duck me, if you don’t live in the real world at least be aware that most of us do. I bet she’s got labelled glass jars of bath tit already, or a gigantic plastic storage box of them in the ‘shed’ it’s all so pretentious. Hope she dropped the cake in the bath. bleep.