Now you must read this in an awful mockney Cockney, cor blimey guv’nor, diamond geezer accent;
‘… I know how ‘ard you farthers work owt there, I’m one-a you…’
I nearly spat my coffee out! Joe Swash, work hard?! Doing what pray tell, please do, I’m dying to know what exactly it is that Joe works so hard at?!
I’m happy to hold my hands up if I’m wrong but the odd TV special, stint as a quiz contestant or brief foray on a cooking show does not really constitute as hardworking and is certainly nowhere near the 40+ hour week that a lot of people have to do to live!
Still, least Stacey and his lives are made easier with the aid of Hello Fresh eh? Wouldn’t want those two troopers having to do a stroke more than they had to. Plus now they’ve got the pool to deal with, well, poor lambs will be worn out I’m sure, bless. Pffffft, hard work? They wouldn’t know it if it bit them on the arse! You couldn’t make this
tit up, could you?!