I can’t believe how blatant the favouritism is here. That poor boy it’s his 10th birthday ffs make him feel special
This is another problem for Rex’s entitlement , it may seem small now (to her, clearly not anyone else as it is a massive deal) but her allowing him to be so involved in his brothers birthday will make him grow up to feel entitled even on someone else’s day. Make it known it’s his brothers day , not his. Let him sulk about it and learn his lesson. It’s not all about him
That annoying snotty spoilt brat kid that lunges to blow the candles out on someone else’s birthday comes to mind. Always pisses me off. Teach your kids that although you love them more than anything, it’s not all about them and they must sit back and allow others to be made to feel special too. I only have one child for now (still a baby but I plan on giving her siblings) , but when she has a brother or sister best believe they’re being treated the exact same way in all ways possible , specifically on birthdays and celebrations of their individual achievements