It’s taken me about four watches to realise when she said the sun was shining ‘on the shells, the tiles, the plyemphs…’ what she actually meant was the plinths!
Well I say plinths, what I actually mean is the MDF box/tower things she scrounged off her sister which she then proceeded to paint and then spray with that awful stone effect stuff. Tbh that came as no surprise as if you sit still too long in the vicinity of Stacey you’re liable to be peddle dashed with it as well. Hard to believe I know but it then got even better as to top it all she had Joe carry them in and plonk in the bathroom (which being a warm, damp environment MDF is going to love!) whilst still wet with mud, grass and probably several varieties of dog, cat and human hair stuck all over the bottom! What a treat eh?!
Nothing says classy bathroom like MDF plyemphs stuck to the floor with paint eh?!