We think she either had to pay or they wouldn’t let her and Rex pretend to do half the work
Both of those knowing what we know about her and how she works are equally plausible tbh.
It’s been shown before that Stacey loves a freebie and if she can get something done for nowt on the back of ‘I’ll share your work/name/what a good job you did on my Instagram in return for work blah de blah…’, well if they’re stupid enough to do it, she’s stupid enough to let them!
This is where I think she’ll have hit a snag with the pool people, they’re not going to be have been arsed whether Stacey bloody Solomon says they’ve done a good job or not. I mean let’s face it, a pool is a pretty specialised item and if you need a pool repair, you need a pool repair! I’m guessing that they’re aren’t a whole load of pool maintenance companies knocking about and anyone who has a pool will know the people to use and I’m guessing pools need regular upkeep and stuff so they’ll have a steady stream of regular customers. Given this then it’s hardly likely that someone who’s a follower of Stacey’s has a pool that needs fixing but has been searching fruitlessly for the people to do this until they chanced upon the wonderful people who solved all Stacey’s pool problems and their prayers were answered!
On the wanting them to give her and Mick the credit for most of the work, that’s a usual story with her isn’t it? I distinctly remember her singing Wren’s praises as they ‘even let Rex help which is so important and made such a difference’ or some such twaddle. I ask you, what tradesperson is going to want ‘help’ from a two year old, who I’m guessing will mainly be getting in the way and under their feet.
Good on them for not putting up with her
tit I say! I don’t have a pool (strange that I know!) but if I did I’d be wanting their number; they sound very discerning!