She’s calling her Instagram followers her ‘extended family’ again!
Way to keep the sheep engaged Stace; make them think you actually care instead of that you need them to keep buying your various tat and shite ranges in order to keep you in the ‘style’ (I use the term in the broadest sense of the word!
) you have become accustomed to, like that itty bitty tiny little cottage of yours.
Do you know something? I’d have so much more respect for her if she said ‘Leighton and/or Zach are at their Dad’s/it’s the first time/all a bit strange/hard’ etc etc, just a little honesty perhaps. Then again, the way she just focuses on the Swash part of her family, maybe it’s what she’d prefer? I really don’t know, you never do with her, she tells so many lies I bet even she forgets the truth some of the time!
As for the whole ‘extended family’ thing, tbh I find it weird. But then again I would find sharing my home, my kids, my private family life, well pretty much everything, with millions of strangers and people I don’t know, who literally could be anyone, very weird too so maybe it’s just me.
Each to their own and all, and if she’s relying on that as her ‘job’ and income then I guess she feels it’s what she has to do. Personally I’d rather work hard and earn the things I have and take a sense of pride in that. Of course I’d love more money, who wouldn’t, life is so expensive now, but hey, what I’ve got I know it’s mine and I did that, I didn’t just go on the beg until I got gifted it. Again each to their own!
So whatever you’re all doing my lovely fellow Tattlers I wish you a very Merry Christmas and all that jazz! You know you all give me life and I love you all to the moon and back!
Remember whatever happens, it could be worse! You could be sitting at a table with more plastic green than space, in an unheated conservatory which Mick is attempting the wall of death around, whilst engaged to a permatanned halfwit, undoubtedly having to breastfeed through your Christmas dinner, expecting a visit from the undead, dodgy Dave and Lord know who else and of course, lets not forget everything being cooked in an oven in the shed! It could very much be worse!
Anyhoo I’ve veg to peel! Pass the bubbles round guys, let’s all have a good one!!