Chatty Member
The bulging nappy made me retch. There are stains in the crutch. Still at least he’s smiling...
Is anyone else’s eye twitching looking at the cuddly toys stapled to the wall because how will they be cleaned? Quick spray of Pledge and a duster- oh no because they are fur. Then she painted a cheery grey balloon and what looked like a Sharpie to draw around it. Then finished with a sticker complete with spelling mistake. This is a woman who has a book out about home making and craft projects not to mention an upcoming TV series about making your home beautiful. Is it us who are odd or the rest of the world?! RIP that house
She doesn’t use reusable, she uses disposable.Could it be a reusable nappy? We use them and they do look massive! Although they make the whole bottom look bigger / padded as opposed to a sagging nappy. Or has she posted with disposable nappies before? She’s probably wank on about it like a hero if she used reusable ones...
She did ads for pampers last summer so I presume disposables!Could it be a reusable nappy? We use them and they do look massive! Although they make the whole bottom look bigger / padded as opposed to a sagging nappy. Or has she posted with disposable nappies before? She’s probably wank on about it like a hero if she used reusable ones...
I want to rip those bleeping lashes off! Why does she think they look nice?I see she's found another stupid face to pull. Because she doesn't make a prat of herself enough already
She's a brand ambassador for pampers along with her mate hinch, was a big fuss last year when they met up inside for a superhero party to promote pampers and then posed for a selfie together while no one was allowed in anyones home. Doubt she uses reusable she can't even keep clothes laundered nevermind deal with a nappy pail.Could it be a reusable nappy? We use them and they do look massive! Although they make the whole bottom look bigger / padded as opposed to a sagging nappy. Or has she posted with disposable nappies before? She’s probably wank on about it like a hero if she used reusable ones...
She’s got to stop addressing me in her stories, it’s getting boring now
The colour of his hands compared to his arms as wellPampers must be so proud. Showing us that the Nappies can be worn all day and take around 1 litre of fluid
Please tell me everyone else can see the spelling mistake!!!
Couldn’t find anyone on her comments that has called her out on the spelling mistake? All comments are excruciatingly ass licking Has anyone had the balls yet?A bit late but I’ve just seen the wall label with a typo Such a common mistake but if you’re having something on a kids wall as a fixture, spell it right ffs! Her kids will grow up thinking that’s how you spell..... moron.
Why don't you comment it?Couldn’t find anyone on her comments that has called her out on the spelling mistake? All comments are excruciatingly ass licking Has anyone had the balls yet?
Was quite thankful for my face mask, my sheer shock at seeing anyone actually pay for and wear that in public was well hiddenI don't think I'd be able to stop myself from laughing.