New thread.
If you want to rave about her the rave thread is this way so it doesn't descend into arguments
Addresses / houses:
The whole thread will be locked and people banned if people don't stop talking about finding an address.
That is not what tattle is about. This is a public site that anyone can read. You might not have bad intentions but others may do.
All talk of address is strictly offlimits, please understand why this is important for everyone.
If you want to rave about her the rave thread is this way so it doesn't descend into arguments
Stacey Solomon
I have to say I like Stacy, she's a fabulous mum and you know actually works and manages to be a mum keep a house tidy. any women that can do all that is fabulous
Addresses / houses:
The whole thread will be locked and people banned if people don't stop talking about finding an address.
That is not what tattle is about. This is a public site that anyone can read. You might not have bad intentions but others may do.
All talk of address is strictly offlimits, please understand why this is important for everyone.