
I’ve never seen such a chaotic meal time and such hard work making aubergine purée and then rock hard broccoli to use as dippers 🤷‍♀️
All she wanted to do was eat something !
I did baby led weaning and just adapted meals around that !
Also noticed that Rafi is watching something on the tablet whilst he is eating !
That’s one thing I don’t agree with at the table.
Meal times at her house are one big mess and stress !! yet she’s supposed to be an “expert”
So glad I found this thread, long overdue. Another child seller.

I get her bread and butter so to speak is nutrition and weaning is a great area for her but surely she’s going against all of her own advice with how she’s filming it etc? Surely if she wanted to film it to help plug the book others set the camera up from afar so it’s not in your daughter’s face and you can help her and then afterwards do a commentary etc - especially given she clearly has a lot of tech camera/lighting wise. I can only imagine how confusing it is for daughter to have a camera shoved in her face while she’s attempting to eat. The little sippy cup was a perfect example of ‘just put the bloody phone away’.

Hadn’t noticed her son on a tablet - while I aspire not to give my child a tablet at meal times there has been the odd occasion when I’m guilty as charged. I think the thing that niggles is how pious she can come across at times around meal times/food so the contradiction here is quite amusing as in that like the rest of us there are times when you’ll do XYZ you said you’d never do etc. But she’s never humble about that side of things.

The book wasn’t a massive surprise - given the amount of gifted stuff she is constantly being sent and sharing (not that she’s been asked to share by the brands of course as she seems at pains to always tell us) it seemed like only a matter of time before she’d have a book out.
I filmed my Daughter’s first experience of weaning but it was set on the window sill while partner and I sat with her giving her lots of praise. And we filmed it to look back on, not as a money grab 🤦🏻‍♀️ I also vowed to never feed my child something I wouldn’t eat myself, think she should follow suit... aubergine purée 🤮
I must admit that I’m enjoying Ada ‘not feeling it’ for two days in a row now 😆
While also feeling a bit sorry for her for not being like the perfect Rafster!

Exact same thing happened to Joe Wicks with Indie and Marley.

Marley was a" difficult" newborn too.
Yes, parents complain about their babies and it is hard, especially when they have problems with reflux like Ada or vision like Marley. I just feel sorry for these kids having it documented online so they can see it when they're older. Especially when they are compared to their older siblings who are up high on a pedestal!
Stop with the sister !! She actually called her that when giving her the food. Sister hold it like this ?!? And then taffy shouting sister sister eat it like this. She has a name !
I found this really odd - I have a child similar age to her son and I had a baby last autumn - while my eldest occasionally refers to his sibling as ‘little brother’ or himself as ‘big brother’ he generally refers to him by his name the majority of the time (or funny variants) - other than at Christmas when he renamed him Jesus after doing the nativity at nursery! I know each family has their own thing re nicknames etc but just found the ‘sister’ thing odd.

Also how is it a relaxed environment trying to film it all constantly (let alone juggle another child which can be hard enough as it is at times). Just set the camera up on a tripod and edit later surely?
I did introduce allergens separately but I didn't realise you were supposed to wait like 3 days before trying a new allergen. I just did one allergen a day.

Turns out my son is allergic to eggs though. It was a fairly obvious reaction that happened while he was still eating the egg so I'd have figured it out anyway.