
She looks awful and her fake lips just look so obvious and inflated and do her no favours.. less is more!

Also the person who suggested she got pregnant intentionally… this has always been a query in back of my mind! Sounds about right.. she’s got proper bunny boiler vibes! Must be a massive reason why he suddenly “fell out of love”?! It’s not easily done.
Hmmm lots of packing on her stories today. Probably evicted after the marquee fiasco
I don’t think you can evict someone that quickly. I’m sure you have to serve notice? Unless it’s so unbearable with the neighbours she’s going now or she’s off on travels and is putting things into storage?
I only feel sorry for Margo and really want her to have an emotionally stable mother and a house where she can live for more than 6 months. If she's really moving then she's mental as I don't believe that changing house every 5 seconds is good for kids.
Does anyone else think she’s going to be moving in with one of her parents?

She’ll be off to live with her show off ‘I earn 100k a month with my bullshit 🤩manifesting🤩 academy’ mother I think, it’s very apparent she was an absolute nightmare tenant/neighbour, I honestly would not be surprised if they have asked her to leave

although we already know sophie will be on stories later harping on about how it was her decision to leave….